Android Workbench Widget Companion

Each monitored app creates 4 variables when a new notification is received: count, title and text.
Use the short form to create your Zooper variables.

For example, Google+ is GPLUS, so the Zooper variables would then be:
#TGPLUS# (for notification count)
#TGPLUSTITLE# (for the title)
#TGPLUSTEXT# (for the text)
#TGPLUSFEED# (for a list of the last 5 notifications - title and text)
This allows for Zooper to display more than just unread emails, SMS or missed calls.

Supported apps (so far):

Hangouts (HNGTS)
Google+ (GPLUS)
Gmail (GMAIL)
Google Now (GGLNW) *Please note Google Now does not include a notification count or feed variable*
Android Email (EMAIL)
Facebook (FBOOK)
Twitter (TWTTR)
Android Messaging (MSGNG)
WhatsApp (WTSAP)
Facebook Messenger (MSNGR)
Google Play Store (GPLAY)
Instagram (INSTA)
Skype (SKYPE)
YouTube (UTUBE)
MailDroid and MailDroid Pro (MLDRD)
Tumblr (TMBLR)
KakaoTalk (KAKAO)
Threema (THRMA)
Google Keep (GKEEP) (OUTLK)
PayPal (PAYPL)
Google Maps (GMAPS)
Stock Dialer (DIALR)
Yahoo Mail (YAHOO)
Pinterest (PINIT)
Vine (VINES)
Snapchat (SNAPC)

Also, the Zooper variables #TSONGCOUNT#, #TTRACKNAMELENGTH#, #ARTISTNAMELENGTH#, and #ALBUMNAMELENGTH# can be used and will return the number of songs in your Music/ directory, and the number of characters in the current music track’s title, respectively. Also, the #TTICKER# variable will create a ticker text in Zooper with the track’s title, artist name and album name.

#TBLUET# will return Bluetooth status; 0 for off, 1 for on, and 2 for connected.
#THDPHN# will return whether or not headphones have been plugged in; 1 for in, 0 for out.
#TRINGR# will return 0 for silent mode, 1 for vibrate and 2 for when the ringer volume is on.
#TRESOLUTIONX# and #TRESOLUTIONY# returns your device's screen resolution on the x and y axis.
#TDENSITYX# and #TDENSITYY# returns your device's screen density for x and y.

Get it here.

If you are having an issue with your information not updating, restart the monitor and wait for new notifications to arrive.
***In order for this app to function you need Android 4.3+, AutoNotification with the Unlock key (In-app or Play Store) and Media Utilities***

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