Zooper Counts

This app allows you to use notification counts in Zooper Widget for apps other than SMS, missed calls or email. Use the codes below in Zooper to receive notification counts!

Supported variables (so far):
Hangouts - #THNGTS#
Google+ - #TGPLUS#
Gmail - #TGMAIL#
Android Email - #TEMAIL#
Facebook - #TFBOOK#
Twitter - #TTWTTR#
Android Messaging - #TMSGNG#
Hello SMS - #THELLO#
WhatsApp - #TWTSAP#
Facebook Messenger - #TMSNGR#
Instagram - #TINSTA#
MailDroid - #TMLDRD#
KakaoTalk - #TKAKAO#
Google Keep #TGKEEP#
EvolveSMS - #TEVOLV#
Skype - #TSKYPE#
Tumblr - #TTMBLR#
Yahoo Mail - #TYAHOO#
Outlook.com - #TOUTLK#
Snapchat - #TSNAPC#
Pinterest - #TPINIT#
Vine - #TVINES#
Number of songs in Music/ folder -#TSONGCOUNT#
Number of letters in track's name - #TTRACKNAMELENGTH#
Number of letters in artist's name - #TARTISTNAMELENGTH#
Number of letters in album's name - #TALBUMNAMELENGTH#
Ticker text of Track name, Artist Name, and Album name - #TTICKER#
#TBLUET# will return Bluetooth status; 0 for off, 1 for on, and 2 for connected.
#THDPHN# will return whether or not headphones have been plugged in; 1 for in, 0 for out.
#TRINGR# will return 0 for silent mode, 1 for vibrate and 2 for when the ringer volume is on.
#TRESOLUTIONX# and #TRESOLUTIONY# returns your device's screen resolution on the x and y axis.
#TDENSITYX# and #TDENSITYY# returns your device's screen density for x and y.

Get it here.

This app will only work with Android versions LOWER than 4.3..

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