Friday 11 April 2014


So after some time rebuilding the companion app from the ground up I've finally come out with a home screen worth sharing. I've thrown one up here, but that was really just to show I'm not dead or anything.

After some painstaking effort, the companion app has been re-released full of battery optimization and a variety of new apps and Zooper variables to use in your widgets.

Time for a new screen?


Plug your headphones in and the media bar appears. Press play and watch the ticker text scroll.

Nova Launcher Prime, 16 x 9, no margins or shadow. Swipe up gesture to access app drawer.

On the top is a 7 x 1 widget that displays the time with an analog clock and digital clock, as well as an analog battery bar and percentage.

Directly below is a 7 x 3 widget that uses the newly added #THDPHN# variable to trigger y-offset through advanced parameters. If the headphones are plugged in, the control appear. Otherwise, they are hidden.

At the very bottom is a 7 x 2 widget with Gmail, Google+ and Hangouts notifications, courtest of the Android workbench companion app.

Just above that is a 7 x 1 widget with a shadowy bar, just because.

All is made possible through Zooper Widget Pro, Media Utilities, Android Workbench (and the AutoNotification Pro Plugin - WITHOUT TASKER!)

Get the templates and resources here.

Please share, +1, comment, tweet it, share it, read it over and over...whatever!
You can follow me on Google+ here, on twitter @DroidBench, or join the Android Workbench community here.
Also, feel free donate, even if it's just a penny. Every little bit counts!
I'll keep building these screens if you keeping loving them!

Thanks for reading guys!

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