Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Blurred Perception

Hello everybody!

I hope you're enjoying this weekend's screens, particularly the auto-scaling of Soft and Serene.

Today's screen is unfortunately not an auto-scaler since Zooper Widget doesn't support rectangle outlines in Advanced Parameters (yet?), so everyone without a 720p device will unfortunately have to scale it themselves.

This screen uses Themer (but any old launcher will do), one Zooper Widget filling the entire screen, and of course, the Android Workbench companion app for the notifications (Zooper Counts works too for those on an Android Version lower than 4.3). You must have Android Workbench/Zooper Counts installed for the notification features to work. For this screen, the Google+ and Hangouts icons will increase in size when there are new notifications waiting for you.

Themer users can download the ZIP file here.

If you're not using Themer, you can download the template and resources here.

Please share, +1, and comment below with any questions, comments or complaints. As always, you can tweet @DroidBench or join the community on Google+ to show off your homescreens, modifications of mine, or leave bug reports or feature requests for the apps.

Thanks for reading!

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